

Education (1)

Wednesday, 04 January 2017 21:23

Fully Involved Leadership Seminar

The Evesham Professional Firefighters Foundation, along with Evesham Fire-Rescue will be hosting Mark vonAppen and his program Fully Involved Leadership.  There will be a special guest speaker from the Firefighter Behavioral Health Alliance, Jeff Dill - Founder / CEO.  

The event will take place on Saturday, March 25th, 2017 @ 9:00am.  The event will be held at the Indian Cultural Center of South Jersey, 820 Route 72 South, Evesham, NJ 08053.

Admission is $75 and is payable via Check, Money Order, Department Purchase order or Credit Card (service fees apply).

Mail payment and attached registration form to Evesham Professional Firefighters Foundation, PO Box 184, Evesham, NJ 08053.

Credit Card Payments can be made here:  

**All Proceeds will be doanted to the Firefighter Behavioral Health Alliance**


Although the Evesham Township Professional Firefighters Association serves Evesham Township and it's residents, the posts on this site, including but not limited to, images, links and comments are our own and do not represent EVESHAM FIRE-RESCUE's positions, strategies or opinions. This site is not monitored 24/7, and is not a governmental service. If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1.

Get In Touch

Evesham Professional Firefighters

PO BOX 184

Evesham, NJ 08053
